Friday, August 05, 2011

Devotions - A Time to Mourn - Revelation 1:7

Revelation 1:7            Look, He is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see Him, even those who pierced Him; and all the peoples of the earth will mourn because of Him. So shall it be! Amen. 

One day, perhaps even today, Jesus will return. That’s what we proclaim each week in church when we repeat the Apostles’ Creed and say, “He will come to judge the quick and the dead.” It’s also what we declare when we celebrate Communion and talk about the Heavenly Feast to come. The sad thing is that most Christians say they believe this, but live like it’s never going to happen. In fact, most people think that there’s more of a chance of an almighty meteor hitting the Earth, as opposed to believing that Jesus will actually return in their lifetime.

Among all of the things that ministers and pastors do, the most important task that they are given is to help people prepare for Christ’s Return, or for that serious eternal moment when they come face-to-face with Him after Death. There is no greater ministry than this, but sadly more pastors and their churches are getting so caught up with the world’s issues, that this eternal, consequential, and momentous task of ministry is being neglected and discarded. People in the pews are being left with no idea about how to live as true Christians awaiting the return of their Lord. Instead, they are being fed delusions and lies which will one dreadful day place them on the edge of the Abyss and prevent them from entering into God’s blissful kingdom.

I’ve been a pastor for over 25 years and throughout that time I’ve seen the Church diminish because it is more interested in being acceptable to the world, rather than remaining faithful to God. I’ve seen society dabble dangerously with a brazen immorality which will condemn billions of people to hell. The Church has forgotten its unquestionable loyalty to Christ, and has foolishly pandered to post-modern culture. Only revival will save the Church from itself. Only a contrite return to Christ and a culture of repentance will save our civilization.

What I’m writing used to be called basic Christianity, but in a culture that is so in love with itself, this kind of doomsday message is unpopular, unpalatable, and unhappy to many. However, that’s why John the Apostle wrote that all the people of earth would mourn at Christ’s Return. When Jesus re-appears, our worldly ways are terminated. When Christ comes back, it will truly be for Judgment Day first before everlasting joy is experienced.

So, the challenge for all of us today (and everyday) is this: are we ready to receive Christ on His Return and on God’s terms, or will we mourn with the rest of the world?

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, help us and all of our loved ones to get our hearts, minds, souls, and lives ready for Your Imminent Return. Keep us from being distracted by the world, or being so influenced by its wiles that we lose our salvation. Remind us every day that being accepted by You is not the same as being acceptable to the world. In Your Holy Name, we sincerely pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you have any questions or would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

1 comment:

St. Blogwen said...

True, true, TRUE. And I blush to admit that while I have dealt with these dread subjects in my sermons the past few weeks (can't help it when you're working with the parables of Matthew 13), even as I was preaching repentance, a worldly little voice in me was nagging, "Should you really be saying this? It's so intolerant! Can you really get away with this?" Preached it anyway, but it's shameful to know I'm not 100% committed to God's imperatives rather than the world's.

Kathy H.