Monday, August 08, 2011

Devotions: Church Mistakes - Revelation 2:1-7

Revelation 2:5            Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place. 

Even churches can make mistakes and, as the Reformers used to say, “Councils err.”

Revelation Chapters 2 & 3 contain seven indictments against well established churches in the New Testament age. With one exception, each of them had fallen off their original spiritual path by allowing their community and culture to overtake their business and beliefs. Instead of following Christ’s pattern for ministry and mission, they followed their own plans and went their own way. Christ cautions them about this and warns them of the consequences of their decisions and actions. He even calls them to repent of their ways; otherwise His Light and Spirit would be taken from them.

Those prophetic warnings of along ago could so easily have been written today. Christians everywhere are in danger of succumbing to their society. The old word for this process is ‘syncretism.’ Of all the community sins mentioned in the Bible, the act of syncretism, of God’s people submitting to cultural pressures, was the most damning to whichever generation succumbed.

As post-moderns and 21st century Christians, we are not shielded from this sinful process. In fact, in recent years our churches have turned away from what is acceptable to God towards what is acceptable to the world. It only remains to be seen whether or not Christ will take away his Light and Spirit from those churches which wander away from Him and do not repent. It may be the case, as it was for several of the churches mentioned in Revelation, that a generation of believers was lost before repentance, revival, and restoration were experienced.

The challenging questions for us today are these: Have our Councils erred? Are we in need of church-wide repentance? What signs will indicate that Christ has removed His lampstand from our people?

Prayer:                                 Lord Jesus, help us to review our recent decisions and truly ask whether we are contending for the world or Your Kingdom? Grant us wisdom and keep us on Your path. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message or ask him any questions, please send an email to

Today’s image is John’s latest drawing called “Fall Retreat.” It features a rustic cabin in the heart of the Smokies during the Fall season. You can view a larger version of the drawing at the following link:

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