Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Shorts - For the World

John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.”

            The main Olympics have come to an end, but soon the Paralympics will begin. Both of these major worldwide events invite athletes from all over the globe to compete against their peers in their specialized sports. It’s a remarkable spectacle over several weeks and one that truly represents the agility, diversity, and ability of each participant. They give their all for their represented nation in the hope of winning a medal not just for themselves, but for the people they represent. The athletes are focused on their chosen events and take a great deal of pride in performing at their fastest, strongest, and best. When they succeed and climb on the podium to receive their well-deserved medals, they are elated and the crowd of watching spectators cheer and applaud them. They have given their lives to their sport, so they bask in their triumphs and celebrate their victories which have made them famous.

            Jesus also gave His life, not for fame or a nation, but for the entire world. The only podium that He was given was nailed beneath His crucified feet to prolong His painful death. The only medal He received was a crown of thorns that caused Him to bleed profusely. The crowd of spectators around and below the Cross, jeered and attacked Him. His enemies were elated as He was humiliated. His foes were thankful because His death was disgraceful. And yet, despite the spite and however great the hate, Jesus gave His all and died for them. He came down from heaven and offered them the bread of eternal life; His broken body on the Cross which He freely gave for the life of the world.

            After the Olympics are over, the athletes will return to their own nations to be lauded and applauded for a while. Eventually, their achievements will become a part of sporting history but within two or three generations, they will largely be forgotten. Christ, however, will still be praised for giving His life for the world until Time and History are no more. And then Jesus will be eternally praised and celebrated by those who choose to follow Him faithfully and serve Him daily with their lives. Remember, Christ gave all so that we might gain all. Hallelujah!

Point to ponder: How did Christ’s sacrifice succeed in earning me my salvation?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your victory over sin and death has blessed us with forgiveness and faith. We live in hope because You won the battle for us. We are thankful for Your sacrifice and grateful for Your Love. In Your Holy Name, we cheerfully pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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