Friday, August 09, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - Crying Out

Psalm 130:1-2 Out of the depths I cry to you, Lord; Lord, hear my voice. Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy. (NIV)

            I once heard the pitiful cry of an elderly woman in the church sanctuary during a time of quiet prayer. She had recently lost her eldest son and found it very difficult to deal with her grief. We had just played and sung an old praise chorus which contained the words from Psalm 63 “Thy Loving Kindness is better than life.” Her heart was broken, so she couldn’t sing those words joyfully; instead, she lamented and painfully cried out, “Where was Your loving kindness when You took the life of my son?”

            I didn’t know what to say to comfort her at that time, so she got up and left the sanctuary tearfully, feeling abandoned by God and disconnected to the church. It was a sad moment and one that has remained in my heart and mind for decades. I thought that I had failed her, too.

            Months later, the elderly woman came back to church for the Good Friday service. I didn’t realize that she was there, but during the sermon I preached about God’s broken heart as He tearfully watched His precious Son dying on the Cross. That moment struck a chord with the elderly woman and after the worship service she told me that she at last knew God understood her loss and pain. She felt reconnected to God because they both shared the same kind of grief. It was a turning point in her life and helped her to re-dedicate herself to Christ and His church. God had heard her painful cry and she felt comforted by His empathetic love.

            Perhaps you are going through a hard or a sad time. Maybe you’ve been crying out to God for help or healing. Perhaps you feel like your prayers are never answered. Please know this: God hears you and understands your pain. He is mindful of your situation and will always love you. Rest in God’s arms and be released from the burden you carry. God cares for who you are and wants you to know you are not alone, especially when you cry out in prayer.

Point to ponder: What help and healing do I need from God?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You died for our sins, identifying Yourself with human suffering, isolation, and pain. Hear us when we cry out to You for help; be mindful of us when we need Your empathy and comfort, reassurance and love. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.


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