Friday, February 22, 2008

Daily Devotions: Grace Gifts

At our monthly Session meeting last night, one of our elders gave the devotional. She read from a similar passage of Paul’s on this subject of gifts, using the new Message version of the Bible. The elder reminded us that we all had different abilities and skills which blended together to form a strong body of spiritual leaders in the church. She also told us that our talents and resources were given from God not for ourselves, but to be used as channels of His grace in and to the world. It was a good lesson and one that we all need to keep remembering, reviewing, and applying in our lives.

Bible Verse of the Day

Romans 12:5 …so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.

Perhaps today or over this weekend, you will find yourself in a situation where your gifts can be employed on behalf of someone else. Perhaps God will lead you to a certain place, at a certain time, to use your skills, experience, and resources in ways that will show God’s compassion and grace, mercy and love to other people. Whatever that moment is and wherever it may occur, pray that God will open your eyes and spirit to such an opportunity. Be His hands and feet, His voice and heart to those who need to be reassured, embraced, and encouraged.

Who knows? By doing this you may help someone else to reconnect to God, so that they may also use their grace gifts to help others and expand the Kingdom of God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You call upon us to serve You in the world, to help other people, and to love our neighbors. Help us this weekend to apply Your lessons of love and to show Your compassion and grace through the gifts we share and the support that we give. In Your Holy name, we pray. Amen.

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