Friday, February 22, 2008

Britain Becoming An Atheist Society

London • Freedom from religion in Britain is becoming as important as freedom of religion, according to a United Nations investigation into religion in the UK.

In a 23-page report published yesterday, a UN rapporteur claims the 2001 Census findings that nearly 72 per cent of the population is Christian can no longer be regarded as accurate. The report claims that two-thirds of British people now do not admit to any religious adherence.

The report also calls for the disestablishment of the Church of England. The role and privileges of the established Church are challenged because they do not reflect "the religious demography of the country and the rising proportion of other Christian denominations."

The report also warns that measures to combat terrorism in Britain could be undermined because of discrimination against Muslims.

According to the report into the freedom of religion and belief in the UK, there is an "overall respect for human rights and their value." But the report warns that Muslims in particular face screening, searches, interrogation and arrest.

Read the rest of the article here…


Anonymous said...

I find this to be encouraging in the extreme. Religion is a poison that has been self-administered for entirely too long and the sooner the human race throws off the shackles of belief in imaginary friends, the better off the world will be.

Stushie said...

Religion is a scourge throughout history, but do not be deceived - atheism has killed more people - in the 20th century alone atheists like Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin and Phol Pot managed to kill more than 30 million people - ten times more than religion had done in the previous 20 centuries.

As for imaginary friends, I guess if you've never experienced real faith, God will seem imaginary to you, but do not be deceived by your own lack of faith - no matter what you believe, it doesn't affect God. He still exists despite your unbelief.

God bless you.

Anonymous said...

Stushie, what is your deal? You've been going around the internet using that crap to attack atheists as if it was really true.

First of all, Hitler was Catholic. I've never seen someone who could provide reasonable doubt about this. Mussolini claimed to be as well, although sure, they both manipulated the religion for its uses.

That might make you think they can't be counted as Christians, but if that's true, then Stalin sure as hell can't be considered an atheist.

Anyone who uses a totalitarian regime to physically ban religion is trying to remove what they consider to be opposition to their own power. This is so completely different from the nature of the atheist culture that I have to think you're deliberately ignoring that fact to accomplish your own agenda.

30 million people? Again, I don't think you can blame atheists for that when in reality it was just totalitarian regimes, but okay, let's just say you're right (which you aren't).

What about the colonization of America and the subsequent annihilation of the Native Americans, all done by religious people? What about the crusades? The Spanish Inquisition? The entire Middle Eastern conflict? Ireland? The Protestant/Catholic wars of early modern Europe? And again, I think we have to count at least the work of Hitler here, considering he rigorously claimed to be Catholic and slaughtered JEWISH people. These are just some examples.

You're probably going to want to retort and say that half of those were in one way or another not done because of religion, but I'll be ready to tell you why you're wrong, so that's fine.

Also, just because something happens which isn't condoned by the church, doesn't mean it wasn't done BECAUSE of it.

Atheists have never conducted mass killing or genocide. It's not because we're better; it's because there just aren't enough of us, and we don't have a leader of any sort (self-appointed spokesmen are NOT leaders). You can bet that the overwhelming majority of people working under Hitler, Stalin, or whomever, were NOT actually atheists, anyway, even if said leaders were (and they weren't).

Stushie said...

I'm just using the logic that atheists apply when they condemn modern day Christians for past events. You've just given the typical response.

If you can apply those past events to my modern faith, even although I wasn't born when thsoe atrocities occurred, then I can apply the same logic principles to atheism.

I'm just using the same process and guess what? You don't like it either. Now you know how I feel when my beliefs are diminsihed by militant atheists.