Thursday, January 24, 2008

Westboro Baptists plan to picket Ledger’s funeral

The controversial Kansas church is at it again. Known for picketing funerals of fallen American soldiers, the Westboro Baptist church announced it will be sending picketers to Heath Ledger’s funeral. In a regular show of insensitivity and a complete lack of Christian compassion, the Topeka church is targeting both Ledger’s funeral and the Oscars to promote their unChrist-like hatred for the gay community.

They are picketing Ledger’s funeral because of his starring role in the movie “Brokeback Mountain.” In a press release they stated: "He got on that big screen with a big, fat message: God is a liar and it's OK to be gay.” They further went on to declare that the actor is now in hell, wresting that act of judgment from God. It seems that the Topeka Church is now in control of divine authority throughout the universe.

Perhaps if they hate sinners and like sending people to hell so much, God, in His infinite wisdom, should send them all with their posters and placards to picket inside the gates of hell. The whole world and heaven would eternally applaud such a divine deployment.

The Southern Poverty Law center has classified the congregation as a Hate Church.


Anonymous said...

Although some may have it otherwise, Westboro BC interprets the Bible consistently accurately. A lot of Christians think that Christianity is all fluffy puppies, Christmas trees and Easter eggs. It isn't. It unambiguously says homosexuals should be stoned and are an abomination in the eyes of God.

Unfortunately well meaning Christians think they are going to heaven - they are not. God's quite clear on this too - believe all the bible or you are in the Pits of Hell is a similar outfit.

Stushie said...

The Christ that I know, and who is revealed in the Gospels, would never condone this heartless and wicked behavior.

As for stoning homosexuals, wasn't it Christ who said, "Whoever is without sin, cast the first stone."