Thursday, January 24, 2008

Choosing Names

There’s a saying in Scotland which goes like this: “That’s a rotten trick to play on a wean.” A ‘wean’ is a Scots word for child and the saying is usually applied when someone does something that is unfair, or taking advantage of someone else who is weaker. You also hear it when someone gives a trendy or peculiar name to a child. The rotten trick is sticking the child with a name that he or she will absolutely hate.

Hosea 1:9 Then the LORD said, "Call him Lo-Ammi, for you are not my people, and I am not your God.

I feel sorry for Lo-Ruhamah (No mercy is given) and Lo-Ammi (Not my people). They were given names that would remind the people around them of the miserable and godless times they were living under. I can imagine both of them being taunted by other kids in the community and shunned by adults. Those two unfortunate children must have undergone their own miserable times, and even although it was instigated by God, I still think it was a rotten trick to play on Gomer’s weans. Thankfully, when things got better, God promised Hosea that their names would be changed to Ruhamah (Mercy is given) and Ammi (My People)

Children are a precious gift from the Lord and priceless as far as the Church is concerned. Remember when Jesus was talking to the disciples about the Kingdom of God? He brought a child into the midst of them and said, “Whoever would enter God’s Kingdom needs to be like a child.” In other words, a simple uncomplicated faith goes a long way towards finding salvation in Christ.

Today, let’s all become child-like in faith and remember that simple devotion from the heart is what draws us nearer to God.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for receiving us into God’s Kingdom through the power of Your mercy and grace. We want to be Your people and disciples, Your followers and servants. Enable us to trust and love You as true children of God. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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