Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Erin Church Devotional - Making an impact for Christ in the Community

Ezekiel 33:30 "As for you, son of man, your countrymen are talking together about you by the walls and at the doors of the houses, saying to each other, 'Come and hear the message that has come from the LORD.' (NIV)

I’ve just started to read a new book which is called “The Externally Focused Church,” written by Rick Rusaw and Eric Swanson. It’s about transforming congregations from being inwardly focused to becoming externally focused on what’s happening in their communities. I’ve just read two chapters and already my mind is buzzing with excitement about how our wee church at Erin can be positively charged and effectively changed. There’s one sentence that has jumped out to me from the book: “Nearly everything that is done inside the church should prepare and equip people not only for personal growth but also for personal impact.” I’m thinking that a new mission statement for our church could be written along those lines like “Erin Church equips members to make an impact for Christ in the local community.”

The book is full of good examples of how churches across America are transforming their communities. Instead of worrying about finances, counting attendance, and perpetuating traditions, local congregations are being revived through intentionally reaching out to the people on their doorstep. Churches are becoming more aware of what their neighborhood’s needs are, and then doing everything in their power to supply them. It’s as if congregations have rediscovered the old ‘parish’ system where a church is assigned a certain geographical area to look after spiritually and benevolently.

About ten years ago, I produced a document for our church to adopt a parish system. As usual, we talked about it for a while and then set it aside in order to deal with internal issues. I’m beginning to feel that now is the right time to review, revise, and represent this to the elders and members of our congregation. If what I’m reading in this book is true, then this is the direction that our church has been looking for.

I know that some of you who read and hear this devotional belong to other congregations. I’ll try to keep you posted on what we decide here at Erin. In the meantime, you should perhaps purchase a copy of this book for yourself and your pastor. It may just give your own congregation the jump start that you need to begin a new journey of faith in your own community.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You impacted Your own community with a compelling message that was backed up with acts of compassion, healing, and support. Re-teach to us this vital lesson, and enable our churches to embrace the communities around us. In Your Holy Name, we earnestly pray. Amen.

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