Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Erin Church Daily Devotional - Working for the Lord

Colossians 3:23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. (NIV)

Sometimes I think that I have the best of both worlds. I enjoy my career and at the same time I get to serve the Lord in all that I do. The last time that I worked for myself was about thirty years ago when I was a clerk for a housing association. I earned my pay by doing as much as I could for the company and its customers. These days, I work for the Lord in creative ways that hopefully helps other people to come closer to Jesus.

For most of you who are reading or hearing this message, you may not have that option. Your focus has to be on getting the current job or project completed. You’re probably working with a deadline and are trying to get results. You feel the pressure of having to perform at an expected level. And I know that some of you are trying hard to balance work with your home life. Your time is precious and the stress can be unbearable.

But what if I told you that Jesus has called you to do what you are doing, and that your work is important to Him? Whether you’re at home, in school, at the office, or traveling out of town, God can present you with opportunities to express your faith in terms of your abilities. Reliability and dependability, honesty and integrity are highly valued assets that you can bring to your work. If you can mix your faith into your service and productivity, then you will be serving the Lord, as well as your company.

Christ values you as one of His servants in the kingdom of God. By opening up your career to Him and by being an example to others through your diligence, productivity and creativity, you become an effective witness of Christ’s strength, power, and love. No one’s asking you to be a holy roller in the workplace, but be the best worker that you can be. Your effectiveness and efficiency will say more about your faith than spouting Christian viewpoints and quoting Bible verses. Your support of your fellow workers in times of stress, crisis, and illness will mean much more to them than being sanctimonious or spiritually superior.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we want to serve you each day, so we ask that You enable us to do the best we can in our homes, at our schools, and in our workplaces. Grant us a practical faith that will help us to become reliable, amiable, and capable. In Your Holy Name, we work and pray. Amen.

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