Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Waves of Joy

Audio Version here

1 Chronicles 16:32 Let the sea resound, and all that is in it; let the fields be jubilant, and everything in them! (NIV)

One of my fondest memories of Easter morning took place at the seashore. It happened when I was pastor to the Scottish fishing village of Dunure. At 8.00am each Easter, the villagers gathered outside the Kennedy Hall to praise God for the resurrection of Jesus and the promise of eternal life.

Families and friends sang Easter songs and as the scriptures were read, I can remember hearing and seeing the waves crash against the coastal rocks, as if they were resounding to the rhythm of the hymns that we sang. It was one of the most powerful Easter’s that I have ever experienced. Nature was exploding with praise. As John Calvin once expressed, the mighty attestations of God’s presence were being proclaimed all around us.

Easter is only two weeks away. For some reason, I think that this one will be outstanding. Let’s encourage our friends and families to seek a place of worship this Easter, so that they may also experience the jubilation of redeemed Creation and the joy of the Risen Christ.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, this is Your time of year, when Your power is mightily displayed around the earth. Billions of people from every nation will gather to praise Your glorious Name and to remember God’s mighty promises. Grant us the courage, determination, and desire to invite our families and friends, our colleagues and neighbors to come and experience Your Resurrection. In Your Holy Name, we hope and pray. Amen.

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