Monday, March 26, 2007

Either Or

Audio version here

John 8:26 "I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is reliable, and what I have heard from him I tell the world." (NIV)

C.S Lewis once wrote that Jesus was either a religious madman or the Son of God. For many years, Lewis had been a staunch atheist and would not give any credibility to Christ’s claims or Christianity. But one day he recognized and realized the truth about Jesus. It all came together in his mind like pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. After this revelation, he became one of the greatest writers about our faith.

Today’s scripture is one of those either/or passages. Either Jesus was sent from God and had heard Him speak, or Christ was making it all up. There’s no grey area here. There’s no room for maneuvering. Either we accept His words and receive His teaching, or like the Pharisees, we reject His statement and disbelieve His claims.

It’s very tempting to diminish what Jesus said and glibly set aside everything that the Gospel writers reported. But if we do that, however unintentionally or naively, then we must live with the consequences. Faith is not a leisure pursuit, a personal pastime, or a game we play throughout life. It’s an eternal commitment, not a life-style choice.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we call You “Savior” because You alone have the authority to forgive our sins, purify our souls, and restore us to God. You challenge our thoughts, opinions, and ideas in order to change our ways. Help us today to glorify and honor You in our hearts, and through our deeds. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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