Thursday, January 11, 2007


Acts 13:48 When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.

Normally, when we think about the word ‘appointment’, it usually entails visits to the dentist, going to the doctor, or having a job interview. It’s a special time that we agree to set aside with a professional person or worker in order to get something done that will benefit us. We create appointments to manage our time and make best use of our resources. We mark them on our calendars or input them to our computers because they are important. And if we miss a scheduled appointment, then we may lose a special opportunity.

The Greek word for appointment that Luke uses in this passage from Acts is ‘tasso.’ It means to arrange in order, determine, appoint and ordain. It’s not just that the Gentiles turned up to hear Paul’s preaching and that God subsequently blessed them. They were ordained to be there. Long before that day began, God was already moving their hearts and spirits to ensure they would be at the right place, at the right time.

Sunday mornings are ‘appointed’ times, too. Did you know that our Session ‘appoints’ the hour of worship on Sunday? It’s a sacred time which is set aside to gather the people of God for worship. It’s an ordained moment in the week when we stop focusing upon ourselves and turn our eyes upon God.

But more than that, it’s also a time when God calls us from our homes, even when we’re tired and weary, and don’t want to go, to be given an ordained opportunity of His blessing. If we go to church, we receive it. If we stay away, we miss it. It’s only given at that moment in time. It’s only appointed to be experienced by those who hear and honor the word of the Lord that very day.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, sometimes we take church for granted, and tend to come and go as we please. We don’t think of it as a place where special blessings are given, at special moments and sacred times. Keep us aware of what worshipping You really means and help us to honor those appointed times. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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