Friday, January 12, 2007

Ante Up

Micah 4:3 He will judge between many peoples and will settle disputes for strong nations far and wide. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore.

I’ve a confession to make: I like to play poker. It’s a card game that I’ve always enjoyed because it’s not about playing the cards that you’re dealt – it’s about pitting your wits against your opponents. Most people play to their own pattern – betting high when they’re on to a sure thing, or betting low when they’re waiting for the turn of a card. Every now and then, someone bluffs and breaks the pattern. This is what makes the game so fascinating to me – it’s all about the people around the table, not the cards that are in your hands.

It probably seems strange to be writing a daily devotional and talking about poker, but this week there’s seems to be an international poker game that’s going on, which could end up being disastrous if it doesn’t achieve a win. I’m talking about the President’s decision to augment the number of troops in Iraq. He’s wagering everything on the strategy of escalating the effectiveness of troops on the ground by upping the numbers of those being sent to the Middle East. The trouble is this: our opponents in the war could up their ante and kill more of our troops. Sadly, I saw the same thing happen in Northern Ireland decades ago. Let’s hope and pray that it doesn’t happen.

Micah’s word for today is not about poker or politics, it’s about peace. He utters a prophecy that one day people will give up their weapons and study war no more. I wish that prophecy could be fulfilled right now, but instead I’ll probably have to wait until Christ returns as the Prince of Peace before the world gives up it’s warring madness and wicked ways.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, times like these trouble our hearts and worry our minds. We wonder each day where all of this conflict will end. Challenge our ideals and lead us to peace. In Your Holy Name, we faithfully pray. Amen.

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