Friday, December 01, 2006

Judging Within

(You can listen to the audio commentary by double clicking here - if you get a page of symbols, don't worry, just double click the link again)

1 Corinthians 5:12 What business is it of mine to judge those outside the church? Are you not to judge those inside?

‘Judging’ has become a dirty word in the church and is deemed to be both theologically and socially incorrect. Paul would have a hard time being an elder or member of any church today, never mind a pastor or a preacher. We don’t like being accused, judged or blamed for any of our questionable actions, selfish decisions, or sinful acts these days. Absolutism and accountability are outdated in the church; independence and individuality are in.

Now I don’t like being judged either. I’ve made some terrible mistakes in my life and as a pastor, so I can’t point a finger or criticize anyone. In fact, I’m more into allowing second, third and seventy-seventh chances than calling out people for failing. But Paul was trying to establish a church in a hostile area, so discipline within the congregation was vital for its effective witness in the community. This is why he emphasized judging from within the faith community because the outside world would judge the church by the standards it maintained. If New Testament Christians were to be any different from the notorious Corinthians, then they had to be exclusively moral, just, and faithful.

Today, our churches are finding it difficult to remain relevant and to maintain a meaningful existence in our modern communities. It’s probably because we are no different from the people around us. In fact faith is treated more like an extra-curricular or leisure pursuit activity rather than a life-altering and heart-changing event. Perhaps, in order to regain the world’s attention, we need to re-examine our own lives, truly repent of our past mistakes, and offer a genuine hope to people around us. If we began to judge ourselves and seek God’s forgiveness rather than condemn the world and abandon it to hell, we might start to have a positive affect on society once more.

I guess that’s why the most perfect child in existence was born in a dirty stable. In the midst of all the depravity, dinginess, and darkness, He brought us God’s light.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, none of us are perfect and, as each day passes, we make more mistakes. Forgive us for being unfaithful to You and for being led astray. Help us to be truly humble and keep us from condemning the world, which God loved so much that He gave You as its sacrificial Lamb. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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