Thursday, November 30, 2006

Losing Battle

Colossians 1:14 …in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

The other day I was at the quarterly Presbytery meeting. I normally don’t go because I get frustrated and upset at the bureaucratic nonsense and long winded speeches that usually occur over trivial matters. Now, I must confess that in the past, I was just as guilty as everyone else, but in this last year, I’ve tried to stop speaking out and stirring up trouble. I’m doing it as much for my blood pressure and health more than for presbytery’s convenience and well-being.

Anyway, on Tuesday I was there and I almost broke my vow of silence. Three ministers were being introduced to Presbytery and their statements of faith were presented. None of them mentioned redemption; not one of them talked about forgiveness of sins. Needless to say, I was perturbed, but I was so weak from this nagging cold, that I couldn’t be bothered walking down the stairs from the balcony to go and pitch a theological fit at the mike on the floor.

I guess I’m just tired of fighting a losing battle in the PC(USA). Everybody wants to be inclusive, so to talk about redemption and forgiveness is being absolutist and culturally intolerant. People would rather express ‘healing’ for forgiveness, and ‘unity’ for redemption. I could be wrong, but it’s almost as if they don’t want to hear about original sin and depraved humanity anymore. Calvinism is out; culturalism is in.

The early Christians in Paul’s time knew what it meant to be redeemed and forgiven. And because they understood it, they wanted to passionately share it with the rest of the world. Needless to say, the world, just like today, didn’t want to hear that it required being redeemed and forgiven. Generations of Christians lost their lives preaching and living a message that was culturally offensive and socially combative.

It just makes me wonder if those New Testament people would actually recognize us as Christians today, or would they be preaching to us the same offensive message?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You redeemed our lives and souls from out of the decay and decadence, the contamination and abomination that we had let them become. You paid the whole price for our personal sins and private shame. Without Your death, we have no life. Without Your mercy, we have no hope. Without Your forgiveness, we have no faith. Challenge and change us today. In Your Holy name, we pray. Amen.

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