Friday, December 20, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - Gentle Shepherd

Psalm 80:11 Hear us, Shepherd of Israel, you who lead Joseph like a flock. You who sit enthroned between the cherubim, shine forth

One of the gentlest people that I have ever known was a country shepherd. His family had been shepherds for generations, so it was natural for him to follow in their footsteps. He was a clever man who probably could have been a great teacher at college or university. When he spoke in church or community meetings, everyone listened. Whatever the issue or situation, it was obvious that he had given it a great deal of thought. He presented his ideas and opinions in a quiet, unassuming way. More often as not, whatever decisions were made, they usually included much of what the shepherd had expressed.

I guess working with sheep on the hillsides of Scotland, you get a lot of time to think clearly. And because things are generally quiet, you don’t have to raise your voice or get upset when making a point in public meetings. This shepherd knew the value of simple words with a quiet message which is why he was very effective when he shared his viewpoints.

I think this is why one of our most favorite images of Jesus is the Good Shepherd. We’ve seen countless images and stained-glass windows that depict Christ in this manner. The serenity of those pictures makes us feel secure and embraced. The Good Shepherd quietly loves us and gently calls us to Him.

Currently, some of us may be going through hard times or maybe we are stressed out and weary. We may feel frightened or confused about the issues we are facing. We may be angry or distressed at being hurt or disappointed. During these times, amid the clamor of the world, the gentle voice of peace and assurance comes to us from Jesus. He knows the issues; He understands our worries. He’s had time to think about them; and now He has gentle thoughts to express to our hearts and minds. If we also quietly take time out of our busy schedules, we will hear His voice. If we turn to Him now for help, He will gently speak to and shepherd us.

Point to ponder: What is stressing or worrying me now? Am I willing to quietly bring it to Jesus?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Shepherd of our lives and souls. Sometimes we deeply worry over our problems and think that there is no end to them. We often forget that our lives are in Your Hands because we are part of Your flock. Talk to us today about our troubles and gently show us the path towards peace, resolution, hope, and love. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.


John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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