Friday, October 04, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - Sacred Sanctuaries

Psalm 26:8 Lord, I love the house where you live, the place where your glory dwells. (NIV)

            We all get attached to the sacred buildings where we worship. Within the bricks and walls, stones and stained-glass windows, we create a womb-like sanctuary where we feel the presence of God when we pray silently, or as we praise God with others around us. In the midst of a world which is always in a hurry and sometimes hostile, it’s therapeutic and refreshing to find a place of peace and acceptance, faith and love.

            Over many years, I’ve worshiped and served in different churches with varied ministries and missions, programs and projects that displayed their congregational focus and how the people practiced their faith. No matter how different the churches were denominationally or spiritually, I always felt being in a place of peace where God’s presence was experienced, whether it was in a small country church or a grand Gothic cathedral. They were, and still are, special places to me, where Heaven and Earth seem to meet, where the Eternal One abides with mortal ones.

            I think that the psalmist of old understood this, too, which is why he preferred God’s company and sacred house, rather than sitting around with dishonest and deceitful people. In the midst of a culture that was destroying itself with greed and corruption, the writer of Psalm 26 took solace in being with God, away from the maddening crowd. I think this is something important that we still need today – a place of quiet in a noisy world, a sanctuary of hope in chaotic times.

            Perhaps you are undergoing a lot of pressure in your life right now. Maybe you are in a situation that burdens you, or in the midst of circumstances that threaten to overwhelm you. Perhaps you have been too strong or self-sufficient too long, and now feel stretched, exhausted, and vulnerable. Maybe you don’t know what to do or where to go. Can I suggest that you find a nearby church sanctuary where you can bring your heartfelt pleas and personal prayers to God? Like me, you probably need somewhere to lay down your burdens and just be embraced by the Living and Loving God. A local church building or even a large cathedral may be just what you’re looking for. Try it and see.

Point to ponder: Where can I go to find God’s peaceful presence in my life?

Prayer: Lord God, Whose presence abides on our planet and Whose blessing can be found in many holy places on Earth, we seek Your peace and love to help us endure and overcome our problems and troubles. Guide us to a sacred place where we can quietly pray; lead us to special sanctuary where we can experience Your loving presence and praise Your Holy Name. Amen.

John Stuart is a Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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