Sunday, September 22, 2024

Sunday Shorts: Her Ministry

Mark 9:35 Sitting down, Jesus called the Twelve and said, "If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all."

Years ago, on Sunday mornings, my wife Evelyn and I would have a coffee at either McDonalds or a bakery. Evelyn enjoys talking to folks and over the years, she developed friendships with the people who worked there. She talked to and helped single mums who were working all day in the restaurant, trying to get their high school diplomas at night. She blethered (an old Scots word for 'talked') with the seniors who were regulars, shared family photographs and funny stories with them. She listened to young students who were working their way through college, giving them encouragement to fulfill their ambitions. Evelyn often went just to have a quiet read and a cup of coffee, but I know that she also enjoyed the community of workers she befriended over all those years.

            Evelyn did the same at the West Town Mall. She got up early (before 6am!) and did four laps of the Mall. I tried walking with her, but I couldn't keep up - she walks too fast - and I'm not an early bird either. She talked to all the people in the Mall like they were her best friends - the walkers, the security guards, and the cleaners. When one senior walker was diagnosed with cancer, she made him some cookies and sent a card. When another walker suffered bereavement, she comforted her with prayers and love. I'm not saying that my wife is a saint - although she must be, she's married to me - but what I am saying is that she has a ministry of her own which is quiet, unnoticed and just based on befriending, supporting, and serving the least among us. Over many years, she has quietly helped people in the congregations I served without drawing any attention to herself. She still does that today by writing and sending cards to folks she knows with words of encouragement, support, and love.

            The mission of each church is to do the same. Many people have been blessed by the personal ministries that church folks accomplish with their families, friends, church visitors, and even strangers on the street. These ministries are the least publicized of all, but do you know what? These small ministries are among the greatest in the eyes of God and the most beautiful in Christ's Kingdom. The best way to serve God is to serve others with faith, hope, and love, as well as respect, acceptance, and compassion.

            So, wherever you are today, take time to be interested in other people, especially those who serve you in stores, restaurants, petrol stations, cash registers, banks and supermarkets. They are all children of God's grace and just like you and me, they need to be appreciated, recognized, and loved.

Point to ponder: Who will I encounter today? How can I serve God by treating them respectfully?

Prayer:            Lord Jesus wherever we are today and with whoever we meet, may we see God's image in their faces and God's grace in their eyes. Instead of looking to be served, may we look for opportunities to serve quietly, faithfully and effectively. In Your Most Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.

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