Friday, September 06, 2024

Sabbath Psalms - Doing Good

Psalm 125:4 Lord, do good to those who are good, to those who are upright in heart. (NIV)

            The great Jewish scholar of the 20th century, Martin Buber, once said that atheists exist to show religious people how to be good. Their acts of charity and humanity are not done to please God or to fulfill a religious obligation. Atheists help others because they are genuinely concerned about the needs of vulnerable people and are not looking for any reward in return. Buber concluded that if religious people wanted to honestly help others, they should do it as if God didn’t exist, making themselves responsible for the wellbeing of their fellow human beings.

            It is a very challenging thought and if today’s verse is to be applied that way, it means that religious people should pray for those who do good in their communities no matter what religion they follow, or even if they follow none at all. Far too often we promote our own congregational or denominational missions and proudly revere them as badges of compassion and courage which honor our sectarian beliefs and churches. But what about the numerous good works that take place outside of our faith communities? Shouldn’t we also seek ways to support and honor them for what they positively accomplish? And, according to this highlighted verse, shouldn’t we be asking God to bless their good works too, liberating ourselves from the narrow notion that only God-fearing people can achieve things which please God?

            In our present broken and divided world, we need to change what we’re doing and see other people in a different light. Just because they don’t believe in what we believe, doesn’t mean to say that we should belittle their good deeds or castigate them for being atheists. They may be doing more to make the world a better place through their sincere compassion than we can with our rigid religious rules. As Martin Buber pointed out last century, they may still be able to show us how to be good and do good things in our community and the wider world.

Point to ponder: Which charities do I support outside my church?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, challenge our narrow-minded ways and grant us a new vision of where good is being done beyond our churches. Help us to be mindful of the good causes in our communities that could also do with our support and love. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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