Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Shorts - Choices

John 6:66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

It was the lowest point in Christ's itinerant ministry. For three years, He had traveled up and down Galilee, gathering a great number of disciples and followers through His preaching, teaching, and healing. But now things were becoming gravely serious because He was meddling in people's lives. Jesus was also notorious to some of the authorities, and His preaching kept hitting raw nerves. On this particular occasion, Christ called His followers' faith into question, suggesting that some among them did not believe in His ministry and mission. And what was the outcome? The scripture states it very plainly: 'Many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.'

Christ continues to have a way of doing that same thing to Christians in our time, too. He still confronts us today, questioning our choices, demanding firm allegiance, and challenging our ways. We all want hope in our lives and a loving Savior, but we sometimes find it difficult to accept the belief baggage and lifestyle lessons that come along with our Christian faith. And for some folks, like those in today’s scripture (John 6:60-66), this is too hard to accept and apply, so they also sadly drift away from Jesus and His Church.

The good thing about this incident is that not all of the disciples abandoned Him. It was left to that good old boy, Peter, to encourage Jesus for a change. When His Savior asks the Twelve, "Will you also go away?", the Big Fisherman gives the sweetest answer to Christ's ears. "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life."

Our faith journey isn't easy and sometimes we will be discouraged or deceitful, sinful or faithless, but we shouldn't despair. Instead, we should look at how Christianity ends. We do have a wonderful Savior and the promise of everlasting life. We have the opportunity to serve Jesus and to joyfully enter into His loving presence forever. We may feel like going away at times, but His healing words will keep drawing us back to Him to receive forgiveness and acceptance, guidance and grace. And when all is said and done, isn't that why we placed our faith in Christ in the first place?

Point to ponder: How difficult is following Jesus for me? How can Christ help me overcome this?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we were once lost souls, whose lives had no real meaning or purpose. In Your mysterious way, You drew us towards You and helped us to give our hearts to You. Sometimes, being a Christian is very difficult and we don't always get it right. We thank You for Your patience, forgiveness, and grace. Without them, we would perish from the Earth and have no hope. With them, we will delight in Your love forever, for You have the words of eternal life. In Your Holy Name, we gratefully pray. Amen.

John Stuart is a retired Scottish Presbyterian pastor now living in Knoxville, Tennessee.

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