Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord,
how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up
to seven times?”
answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. (NIV)
I grew up in a large family with three brothers and two
sisters. Usually, we all got along very well, but sometimes a fight would break
out and we would end up pitching fits against each other. My poor mother had to
come in and stop the racket, scold us for fighting, and then get us to
apologize to one another. Sometimes I didn’t want to do this, so I was sent to
my room until I was willing to say sorry and reconcile with my brothers and
When I read of Peter asking Jesus about how many times he
should forgive his brother, I know exactly how that feels. It makes me like
Peter even more because he’s just so completely human. He expresses what is on
his mind and this passage shows us that he feels as though his brother or
sister is taking him for granted. Peter reckons that if he has forgiven his
sibling seven times then that is more than generous. He wants Jesus to affirm
what he feels; he’s not really asking a question, he’s asking for approval.
As usual, Jesus uses the moment to teach Peter about
forgiveness. The reply Jesus gives is as if Jesus is saying to him, “Only
seven times? Not even seventy-seven times would be enough.”
Forgiveness is a gift that we all seek from God on a
daily basis. I guess if I was to add up the number of times that God has
forgiven me, it would run into the millions. And because God is so willing to
pardon and forgive me, He expects me to do the same with others – my family, my
friends, church members, work colleagues, neighbors, and even my enemies.
Forgiveness is one of the most important aspects of our Christian faith, so we
should practice and apply it on a daily basis.
Point to ponder
Have I withheld forgiveness for someone? Am I willing
to let God help me to forgive?
Prayer: Lord
Jesus, forgiveness was so important to You that You were willing to sacrifice
Your life so we could all be forgiven. Grant us the courage and strength to
forgive those who have hurt, disappointed, or angered us. In Your Holy Name, we
pray. Amen.
Today’s image is one of
John’s Gospel drawings called “Washed with Tears.” If you would like to view a
larger version, please click this link: Tears.
John Stuart is the pastor
of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. You can view the church
website at this link:
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