Matthew 15:27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the
dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.” (NIV)
She was an outsider and a foreigner. She had no claim on
Jesus and was not part of the Jewish nation. What she had was a daughter whom
she dearly loved and like any other parent, she wanted the best for her child
who was seriously ill. The Syro-Phoenician
woman in today’s Gospel story (Matthew 15:21-28) had heard about Jesus, so when
she saw Him, she immediately ran to him, fell on her knees, and asked for
She did not know what to expect. Christ’s disciples had
already tried to send her back to where she came from because her crying and
wailing disturbed them. But the woman was persistent and wouldn’t back down.
Jesus had the power to help her child, so she kept on battering against the
wall of prejudice that was in front of her, in a desperate effort to get Him to
respond to her pleas.
Initially, Jesus says and does nothing and then He points
out that His mission is to His own people first. Did she expect Him to give her
from the blessings that God intended for the Jews? Or as Jesus put it, “It
is not right to take the children’s bread and toss it to the dogs.”
And then this foreign woman speaks the best come-back in
the whole Bible, “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall
from their master’s table.” Her tenacity is relentless and her faith in Christ’s ability is
undaunted. Jesus grants her what she may not have been entitled to, the
immediate healing of her demon-possessed daughter, which now meant that Christ’s
ministry and mission went beyond any borders, any barriers, any walls between
nations and ethnic communities.
It’s called ‘Grace,’ and it happens because Christ comes
down among us, breaking down the barriers between Heaven and Earth, as well as
bridging the gap between God and humanity. It means we are given an amazing
blessing, of which we are not entitled or worthy, but only because God wants to
share it, so that we may freely enjoy His love and kingdom forever.
Point to ponder
Am I aware that I am not worthy of God’s grace? How
thankful am I to receive this unentitled blessing? How willing am I to share
this gift with others, especially those unlike myself?
Prayer: Lord
Jesus, thank You for healing the Syro-Phoenician
woman’s daughter. Thank You for hearing her plea and showing us God’s grace at
work. We know that we cannot earn such a sacred blessing, but we are grateful
for the bounty of Your love, mercy, and grace in our lives. In Your Holy Name,
we humbly pray. Amen.
Today’s image is one of
John’s Communion drawings which reminds us of God’s grace. If you would like to
view a larger version, click this link: Communion.
John Stuart is the pastor
of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. You can view the church
website at this link:
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