Today’s Bible readings are: Isaiah 24:7-13 and Matthew 9:35-38
Matthew 9:38 (Jesus said) “Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
They want to be loved by God again.
They just don’t know where to start, where to go, or what to do. They are waiting for a sign. They are seeking guidance. They need help. They don’t want Christmas to go by again and carry an empty heart and unfulfilled life from this year to the next. They want to come to church, but they are worried that they won’t be welcomed.
This is where you come in. God is calling you to invite them. He needs you to ask them to come to church this Christmas. He wants as many people as possible to be reconnected to His love and to experience the joy of Jesus in their hearts. God needs you to be the one to welcome those seekers to come to church. He wants you to give them a positive and clear invitation to come back to church. You are the worker that He needs to go into the harvest field to restore His blessing to someone who feels helpless, hapless, and hopeless.
Let God do what He does best. Let Him use you to bring others to church this Christmas – your family, your friends, your colleagues, and your neighbors. Everyone needs to be loved by God and given a new beginning. This year, this Advent, and this Christmas, be the one to bring someone closer to Christ and back to church.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few,” said Jesus. This Christmas, become one of the few!
Prayer: Lord Jesus, open our hearts and minds to the people in our circles who are seeking You in their lives. Grant us opportunities and possibilities to invite them to church this Christmas. Take away our fears, and enable us to give a positive and welcoming invite to all whom You would have us ask. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment about today’s message, or ask a question, please send him an email to
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