Thursday, July 28, 2011

Daily Devotions: Walking in Love - 2 John 1:6

2 John 1:6        And this is love: that we walk in obedience to His commands. As you have heard from the beginning, His command is that you walk in love.

Sometimes the best moments in a marriage are the simple things that happen. The other day Evelyn and I were walking together in the local mall. We weren’t saying much, but we were just holding hands as we passed the stores. At one point Evelyn leaned over to me and quietly said, “I like it when we hold hands.” And do you know what? I like it too.

Like every other married couple, we’ve had our moments of crisis and times of disagreement. However, I’ve discovered that the older you get and the longer you are married, the more you feel complete with your partner. Marriage is not an easy journey, but longevity in a partnership brings about special blessings and I feel grateful for the thirty years that we have shared.

Faith in Jesus is also meant to be that way. In the Bible, we’re told that the Church is actually the Bride of Christ. We walk with our Lord not just as servants and followers, but as God’s children who are loved through His grace. In other words, Christ lovingly takes us by the hand and leads us through this life to eternity. Now, that is a long term relationship!

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, thank You for loving us and for walking beside us each day of our lives. Help us to share that love with the world. Let Your Church be known for its compassion and care. Let Your followers take the hands of those who need healing, comfort, and love. Let us delight in the days You grant us and celebrate life as a sacred gift. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send an email to

John has just published a devotional e-book which you can find listed on at the following link:

Today’s drawing is John’s an early morning depiction of the bridges in Knoxville, which he has called “Knoxville Dawn.” You can view a larger version of the drawing at the following link:

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