Matthew 15:14 (Jesus said) “Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”
There’s a true story about John Calvin that many in the Presbyterian Church either don’t know or they have forgotten. When he was a young preacher in Geneva trying to get the Reformation established, he was confronted by a group called the Libertines. They believed in sexual promiscuity and even had a local law that allowed a man to be both married and have one mistress at the same time. They also believed in complete sexual freedom of any sort and that they were allowed to do this because they were Christians under the grace of God.
Calvin opposed them and his life was threatened. The Libertines conspired against him and planned to rush at the Communion table when the Lord’s Supper would be next celebrated. They wanted to be at the front of the congregation and take communion, so that everyone else in the congregation and community could see that God approved of their Libertine lifestyles.
John Calvin was informed that this would take place, so he had a choice. He could allow this to happen and let the Libertines overtake the newly Reformed Church, or he could oppose them and possibly be killed.
When it came to the celebrating of Communion, the Libertines rushed forward to receive the elements first. John Calvin bravely stood between them and the elements of bread and wine. He then Calvin flung his arms around the sacramental vessels as if to protect them from sacrilege, while his voice rang through the building: "These hands you may crush, these arms you may lop off, my life you may take, my blood is yours, you may shed it; but you shall never force me to give holy things to the profaned, and dishonor the table of my God."
John Calvin saved the Reformation in Geneva at that critical moment in time by ‘fencing in’ the Lord’s Table from those who slandered the church, disdained God’s Word, and who were unrepentant of their sexual immorality. Presbyterianism grew out of his uncompromising ministry and his devotion to God’s Word.
Today, the PCUSA has changed its course from Calvin’s Reforms. The Libertines have won the battle and the unrepentant blind are leading the flock astray. The question we all need to ask ourselves today is this: what have we become?
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we are blinded by our own sense of cultural morality and therefore we create our own system of modern beliefs. We pick and choose from Scriptures what we want to read and hear, and then discard those things that confront and challenge our worldly ways. We are all sinners, but some of us don’t ever want to repent, so we remain unforgiven. Lord, have mercy on our souls. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.
John Stuart is currently the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment or ask questions of today’s message, please send him an email to
John, it took great courage to write this...great courage indeed.
Thanks David. I appreciate it.
Thanks John,
A historical event I knew nothing about. I do not intend to take communion in my presbytery meetings because I consider that the word preached there among many will not be rightly preached.
Thanks Viola. I understand and calvin would agree.
BTW, I'm being pilloried in this area for the drawing. Some are accusing me of hate speech.
Be careful, Viola.
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