Friday, April 08, 2011

Daily Devotions: Angels to Help Us - Hebrews 1:14

Hebrews 1: 14             Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?

I think it was Billy Graham who wrote in his excellent book “Angels” that when it comes to singing God’s praises in Heaven, former sinners who are saved will sing more loudly and joyously than any of God’s angels. The reason is simple: we, who are redeemed sinners, will have more to sing about.

I don’t know what you truly think about angels, but I like what is written here in Hebrews. Angels are sent to serve those who are saved. I don’t know what form that takes, but I must admit I have sometimes been in some unpleasant situations and serious accidents where I thanked God for watching over me, as well as my family and friends.

I also believe that because we are saved, the world feels threatened by our witness and so sometimes it’s hard to be a Christian in society. Whenever we stand up for what is right, we are called ‘judgmental.’ Whenever we seek justice for the powerless, we are berated for being political. And whenever we state that Christ is the only person through whom we can obtain everlasting salvation, we are called ‘narrow-minded’ and intolerant.

That’s where the protection of God’s angels is important. The devil may try to diminish the truth and effectively squash our faith, but there are angels around us who are doing battle for us each day, to help strengthen our spirits and bolster our confidence.

Prayer:                        Lord Jesus, thank You for the angels around us who serve us in many ways each day because we are saved by You. Thank You for their protection and presence, their influence and encouragement. Bless all our loved ones this day with the same divine help. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

(If you would like to look at Billy Grahams’ great book on angels, please click on and visit the following link:

John Stuart is currently the pastor of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment or ask questions of today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s image is one of John’s latest wildlife drawings. It’s called “Butterfly Banquet” and features a butterfly feasting on a marigold. If you would like to see a larger version of this drawing, please click on the following link:

John also has a limited number of 8x10 prints of this picture available. If you’d like one, contact him by email for more information.

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