Friday, January 14, 2011

Christian devotions and Podcasts: A Real Challenge - Philippians 2:14

The podcast for today’s devotion can be heard at the following link:

Philippians 2:14 Do everything without complaining or arguing

Wow! Now there’s a verse of scripture that takes a lot of doing! I grew up in a large family -4 boys and 2 girls- so there was a lot of competition for our parents’ attention in my household. Without complaining or arguing, none of us were ever heard or seen, and unfortunately it became a character flaw that I have carried with me to this very day.

But let’s stop and think about what Paul was trying to inspire in the young Philippian church. Those new Christians lived in a very busy town that had established itself as a powerful place. Old ways and old money kept the merchants happy; new groups and new faiths were frowned upon and even harassed. The first Christians in that town had to deal with a lot of public hostility and suspicion, so if Christ’s church was going to succeed, then His followers would have to be patient, compassionate, and passive in order to let the gospel take root in the hearts of the Philippian people. If the Christians complained about the harassment or persecution, they would have appeared to have been churlish and thin-skinned. However, if they put up with the discomfort and prejudices, and still acted justly and kindly to those who offended or hurt them, then Christ’s message would eventually win over the hearts and minds of the people in the town. Paul’s words must have been effective because a strong church was established at Philippi.

Sadly, there are a lot of churlish Christians in our society who seek to get their own way and bring the message of Christ into disrepute. Instead of being united in Christ’s love, Christians can be very divisive, argumentative and totally inadequate as witnesses to God’s Kingdom. This is why Paul’s words strike at the very heart of our lives and faith. If we were to sincerely apply them in our homes and churches, then the world would be totally conquered by Christ’s compassion and God’s love.

So here’s the challenge for all of us this weekend: let’s try to do everything without complaining or arguing. Instead, let’s do everything agreeably and with compassion. It will be interesting and perhaps life-changing to see how this all turns out.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we must disappoint You with our disagreements and sadden You with our complaints. Challenge us with Paul’s words this weekend and encourage us to apply them with our families, friends, neighbors and church people. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

John Stuart is the pastor of Erin Presbyterian church in Knoxville, Tennessee. If you would like to comment on today’s message, please send him an email to

Today’s drawing is one of John’s wild bird drawings of an American Barred Owl. If you would like to view a larger version of the drawing, please click here:

All of John’s drawings can be found on the Web at his art site at

Signed, numbered and matted prints are available for only $20 each (plus shipping if necessary). They make unique gifts for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and new homes. Just contact john by email and he’ll be delighted to help you.

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