Friday, July 31, 2009

Christian Book Review: The Hole in Our Gospel

This book took me fully two months to read. It is crammed full of information about the realities of the world beyond our Western civilization. Richard Stearns’ zeal is evident on very page. He thoroughly believes that Christianity is meant to change the world, but before that can truly happen, we will have to change ourselves.

Stearns’ story of being a successful Christian businessman to becoming the President of World Vision is a powerful testimony to the way in which God can call anyone of us out of our comfort zones and into the frontline of Christ’s global mission. This is so personal to the author that he challenges any of his readers to consider doing something similar.

Richard backs up his zeal with many personal stories of hardship and tragedy that have been transformed into something beautiful and meaningful through the power of the Gospel. His traveler’s tales of meeting people in all parts of the world are sometimes disturbing to our comfortable Christianity in the West. Stearns passionately attempts to make us listen and look at what’s happening in the real world.

“The Hole in Our Gospel” is a life changing book. That’s why it took me so long to read. You cannot scan over its pages quickly because the author wants his Christian readers to feel challenged. Time and time again he mentions how the Gospel operates powerfully in other lands and that the work of World Vision is an arm of Christ embracing the world. Stories about orphaned children due to AIDS or impoverished grandparents trying to raise their grandchildren in harrowing circumstances are very hard to take in, analyze, and understand.

The evil that people commit throughout the world and the cheapness of a human life in developing countries is no worse than the casual indifference and cultured ignorance of Western Christianity. Richard Stearns boldly and prophetically declares judgment on our jaundiced views concerning poverty, hunger, and human rights abuses that take place each day all over the globe.

I was glad to finish reading the book because I felt that my spirit was being afflicted chapter by chapter and page after page. However, it has changed my attitude to the importance of global mission and mission dollars. I no longer casually give to a mission without truly thinking about the effectiveness of my gift. I want to do and give what I can to those whose needs far outweigh my own. If the Gospel is going to be effective in my life, then I need to commit whatever I can and see that commitment as a powerful message of Christ’s Kingdom in the world.

At the back of the book, Stearns has written some study notes and questions for small groups. The book would be an ideal missional study over several weeks for any church that feels the need to be directly burdened and challenged.

There is also a great website with more illustrations, teaching material, resources, and videos for church groups and individual Christians at

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