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Jeremiah 6:16 This is what the LORD says:” Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls.
This is the most amazing election I have ever experienced. I think the nearest election in comparison was Tony Blair’s win way back in Britain in the 1990’s. By that time, our family had crossed the Atlantic, but our relatives were really buzzing about the changes that were coming. After five elections and sixteen years of Tory rule, the people in Britain were crying out for change.
I don’t what will happen today, but this I do know. America is a winner. When so many people are fired up about voting, it means that the people are actually taking power back into their hands. Far too often, we take our freedoms for granted. But this year, things are wonderfully different, and I feel that God is truly blessing America at this moment in her history.
Whatever the outcome, the next President will really need our prayers. The economy is in a mess and its affecting all of our lives. We’ll be looking for strong leadership from our President and he will probably have to make some unpopular decisions in order to get us back on the right course. That’s when our daily prayers will become crucial. We want our President to be guided by God and protected by His Spirit. I’m going to try to pray for him each morning and night.
Let’s hope that together, we find the good way for our country and that we all walk in it. We are all weary of broken promises and governmental inefficiency. We don’t need anymore political filibusters or failed policies. We need our politicians to act, represent and carry out good government for all of our people. That way God will bless America and enable us to help the rest of the world.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, these are crucial times and we thank You for the beautiful and dutiful responsibilities that our citizens are fulfilling today. May the outcome of this election lead us to a brighter and better future, not only for the USA, but for the entire planet. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.
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