Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Romney's Faith Shouldn't Affect My Vote...Oh yeah???

If the Mormon Church is so wrong on all of these beliefs, then why should I trust Mitt Romney to get things right for America?

Key tenets of the Mormon faith


-Nature of God: God once was a mortal who became an eternal being after a great trial.

-Jesus Christ: Christ was God's first-born spirit child, his only earthly child and the only perfect mortal.

-No Trinity: Mormons reject the idea of the Christian Trinity - God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit as one ethereal being. Instead, they believe the three are separate beings joined in a common purpose.

-Pre-existence and the afterlife: Before their mortal birth, humans existed in pre-mortality and were born in the spirit world to heavenly parents. Mormons also believe in the resurrection and teach that most people will receive some measure of salvation and have a place in a three-level eternal kingdom.

-One true church: Mormons say their faith is not Protestant, Catholic or Orthodox but holds a unique place as "restored New Testament Christianity." Founder Joseph Smith said God told him none of the existing churches were practicing Christianity as it was intended.

- A living prophet: Mormons believe the head of their church is a living prophet, seer and revelator who can communicate with God.

- Book of Mormon: The text on which the church is based is said to have been translated from an ancient language inscribed on gold plates. Mormons believe it is an account of Christ's interaction with inhabitants of the ancient Americas before he ascended to heaven.

- Second Coming of Christ: Smith believed the Garden of Eden was originally in North America, near today's Independence, Mo. Mormons migrated to Missouri in 1831 because Smith taught that would be the new Jerusalem, where Christ would return.

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