Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Persevering in a Bear Market

It’s looks as though we’re headed into a bear market. Stocks and shares around the world have depleted and a tide of recession is coming our way. This happens about once a decade and it requires a lot of nerve to pull through it. Investors get anxious about the short term effects upon their resources, whilst in the long run, the market eventually turns around and heads back up. Timing is everything and I guess the secret of successful investing is a bit like poker: knowing when to hold them and when to fold them.

As well as an economic recession, I’ve noticed that we’re also experiencing a spiritual one. People seem weary of God right now and are looking for other solutions to give them meaning, purpose, and value to their lives. They’re scrambling to find significance for themselves, and any spiritual path that promises success, prosperity, and comfort will currently be highly attractive to a lot of people.

Hebrews 12:3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

In a recent study, however, from Queensland, Australia, it was found that people who stray off the beaten traditional track to spirituality tend to become more dissatisfied with their lives. They keep pursuing God and happiness in the short term, not realizing that for faith to work it takes a lifetime commitment. This means that the weariness of the world will never satisfy our souls, but the constancy of Christ’s love can. That’s why the writer of Hebrews calls upon Christians to run the race of faith by fixing their eyes upon Jesus at the finish line. By remaining faithful to Him, we will not grow weary or lose heart.

No matter where the markets end up today, Jesus will still be with us. During these times that try our souls, we need to remember that life is not about bread or money, possessions or resources. As the world even says, you can’t take it with you. All that ultimately matters is our faith in Christ and His everlasting embrace of us.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, in the midst of all our troubles, fears, and anxieties, You are always present. Help us to remember that our faith is in You, and that it’s in God we trust, not the markets. Give us the strength to persevere, endure, and overcome whatever hardship, trials, or troubles we may still have to face. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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