Thursday, January 03, 2008

Free Faith in the Land of Liberty

Podcast version here

I know that by the end of the year we will be fed up and saturated with electioneering, but let’s remain thankful that we live in a time where democracy and freedom still rule this great land. All over the world, there are places where people live under cruel dictators and absolute tyrants. Their lives are made miserable by the fear and terror that these despots use to control their lands. Thank God that in the United States we have democratic elections, primaries and caucuses that allow the people to make their leadership choices every four years. We may not always get the perfect President, Senator or Governor that we would like, but at least we all have the opportunity to vote them out of office and bring in someone new on a regular basis.

Acts 12: 19 After Herod had a thorough search made for him and did not find him, he cross-examined the guards and ordered that they be executed.

Herod was an absolute tyrant, just like his father before him. He persecuted Christians because it suited his reign. The Christians had become the scapegoats Herod needed to divert the Jewish people’s attention away from him. So long as he persecuted their enemies, his rule would not be challenged.

It amazes me how resolute and tough the first Christians were. They experienced and endured all sorts of injustice and intolerance. They won the public relations battle because they were not aggressive or vengeful. They won over the hearts and minds of many because they advocated a path of faith and hope mixed with peace and love.

As always, we can learn from their example. If we as Christians want to re-win the world and make a positive impact on our society, then we have to lose our belligerent, aloof, and grandiose ways. The world owes us nothing and we are not entitled to its respect if we keep demanding our rights above all others. All that the world will see is a bunch of religious fanatics who want to suppress society, instead of a community of faithful people who want to support the world.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You dealt with tyrants by expressing the truth about Your Kingdom without resorting to aggression, anger, or violence. You want us to do the same, so please help us to depart from claiming to be victimized; instead enable us to proclaim Your victory in the world by showing faith, hope, peace, and love, especially during those moments and times when we feel aggrieved and oppressed. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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