Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Daily Devotions: The Comancheros

Podcast version here

For me, New Year’s Day wouldn’t be perfect without watching a John Wayne movie. Today I’m enjoying “The Comancheros” with John Wayne, Stuart Whitman, and even Lee Marvin. Wayne plays a Texas Ranger who keeps getting outwitted by a Mississippi gambler, who is his prisoner. Eventually, the two of them get together to break up and defeat a community of outlaws who are terrorizing the region. It’s the usual John Wayne epic cowboy movie. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a perfect start to the New Year.

Acts 12:6 The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.

Today’s passage from Acts 12:6-10 is all about the apostle Peter escaping from jail. I love this story. Just like the Wayne movie, it’s exciting, intriguing, and even comical in some parts. For instance, Peter can’t believe what is happening around him. He’s sure it’s either a vision or a dream. At some point, I think he wants to pinch himself to make sure he’s really awake. God is providing a miraculous escape for Peter, but he cannot believe it.

There have been times in my life when I have experienced something similar. Decades ago, New Year would have meant getting drunk for me and partying non-stop for three or four days. I was on a path to self-destruction, but the Lord took a hold of my life and changed me. Today I feel like pinching myself to see if it’s real. I thank God for turning my life around and giving me a miraculous moment to escape from the addiction that was destined to kill me.

New Year’s Day can be a time of new promises and the start of new dreams. Asking God for guidance and placing our lives in His hands can present new possibilities and opportunities that will enable us to overcome our troubles and realize our goals. It is my hope and prayer that this will be both a Happy and Prosperous New Year for all of you.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your presence in our lives and for the many opportunities that You give us to fulfill our dreams and realize our hopes. Grant us the faith and strength to overcome our problems and to accomplish all that we can to glorify and honor You. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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