Friday, December 21, 2007

Stushie's Stuff - 4-minute podcast devotions for busy Christians

Too busy to read your Bible each day? Need a daily shot of spiritual caffeine to get you through the week? Then the "Stushie's Stuff" weekday podcast may be just what you're looking for.

Scottish pastor, John Stuart of Erin Presbyterian Church in Knoxville, TN writes the daily blog called "Heaven's Highway." He's now producing it as a podcast. If you like listening to a genuine Scottish accent and are seeking a faith-journey cappuccino, download his 4-minute thought for the day onto your PC or Ipod. It includes a Bible verse, short commentary, and special prayer.

The RSS feed for the podcast can be found at

BTW, "Stushie" is an old Scottish word which means "to cause a riot or an uproar."

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