Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Daily Devotions: Comforter

What do we mean when we comfort one another as Christians? Why do we call the Holy Spirit "Comforter?" And how did the Holy Spirit "comfort" the New Life Church in Colorado Springs?

Podcast version here

2 Corinthians 1:3,4 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God.

It’s funny how different words mean different things in Britain and America. Take, for instance, the word “Comforter.” Over here, it means a heavy blanket or quilt; back in Britain a ‘comforter’ is a heavy woolen scarf. When I first came over here and I heard people talking about buying comforters for their beds, I pictured a long plaid scarf being wrapped around the bed several times. I guess people over here thought I was just as funny when I talked about putting my comforter around my neck during wintry days!

The word “Comforter” in the Bible is also used to describe the Holy Spirit, but this does not refer to keeping warm in winter; the word actually means “Advocate.” The Holy Spirit defends us when we are attacked and intercedes for us when we are being persecuted. The recent shooting in the Colorado Church emphasized this. The security guard who shot and stopped the killer said that she asked the Holy Spirit to help her. I never thought of the Holy Spirit working that way, but I guess that in this situation the Spirit advocated powerfully on behalf of God’s people.

When Paul mentions the word “comfort” to the Corinthians, he’s not talking about tea and sympathy. Paul is telling those young Christians that whenever Christ’s followers suffer, there is an outpouring of strength to the community of faith. And that’s exactly what comfort means – “with fortitude.” So when we are called to comfort our loved ones, our church friends, and our neighbors, we do so with the strength of the Lord inside of us.

Today, you may find yourself in a position to support and help someone else who is going through trying circumstances. Be there for them and allow God’s strength to come through you. Your presence and compassionate support may enable those people to endure and overcome their heartbreak and troubles.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know how tough life can be and You also endured much pain, suffering, and injustice. We pray that we may become the vessels of Your comfort to those around us who need help, support, and love. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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