Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Everlasting Joy and a Scottish Highland Cow

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Be joyful always

My brother Alan is a great photographer and he recently posted a picture of a Scottish Highland Cow. I’m thinking of creating a poster with it and putting today’s verse below it. The Scottish cow is one of the most somber creatures on earth, which never seems to smile. It has long horns and equally long shaggy red hair. It’s a dearly beloved animal in Scotland and once seen, you never forget them. (I’ve tried to insert Alan’s picture with this devotional).

When Paul writes to the Thessalonian church and urges them to be joyful always, he isn’t ordering them to stick a smile on their faces everywhere they go. There’s nothing worse than meeting Christians with that phony tele-evangelist smile on their faces that you know is incredibly insincere. He’s talking about the joy that we are meant to carry in our hearts each day because we know that we have been saved by Jesus. Of all people on earth, Christians should have an inward happiness, and a blessed assurance within them.

Now that doesn’t mean that we don’t get upset, or experience sadness and remorse. We wouldn’t be human if we didn’t know those kinds of emotions in our lives. Having an ever present joy, in the midst of all sorts of circumstances, means holding on to that hope in our hearts that Christ will carry us, cherish us, and embrace us during the best of times and the worst of moments.

I don’t know what kind of day you are having right now, or what kinds of issues that you are facing. You may be emotionally stretched to your limit, angry or fearful, insecure and uncertain. Whatever you are experiencing, know that Christ is right there with you, carrying you and loving you, holding you and comforting you. In Him, there is a peace and joy that passes all understanding and knows no barriers or limitations.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for being our Savior and for dealing with us lovingly, patiently, and compassionately. We adore You for the many ways in which You cherish and support us. Fill our hearts with Your joy, so that we may become effective servants and witnesses of Your everlasting Kingdom. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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