Monday, November 05, 2007

Erin Church devotional - New Prospect

Audio version here

Psalm 122:1 I rejoiced with those who said to me, “Let us go to the house of the LORD.”

Yesterday afternoon, I attended a re-dedication of an old church in South Knoxville. The church, New Prospect, had been destroyed by a fire a couple of years ago. On Sunday afternoon, it was re-opened and rededicated to the work of the Lord. I was asked to preach at the service, along with two other pastors. It was a wonderful occasion and a great blessing for the community.

New Prospect Presbyterian Church was originally built in 1834. It was established in the midst of a tragedy. At one time Presbyterians in South Knoxville had to cross the river by boat to worship in their local church. One Sunday, a boat tragically capsized and several members with their children drowned. New Prospect was built so that Presbyterians would no longer have to cross the river and risk their lives to go to worship. It was given its name to herald a new beginning for the Presbyterian community that had been struck hard by the tragedy.

The new church is beautiful and I am envious of what the congregation has accomplished. I think I’ll have our elders and Impact team visit the church to see what a small congregation has managed to do in the midst of unfortunate circumstances. The Lord has wrought a miracle in that part of South Knoxville and I hope that it will become a stronghold of faith for the entire Presbytery.

Going to the House of the Lord should be a time for rejoicing for all of us. And when we focus upon what He wants, that’s when miracles can be experienced, churches can be enhanced, and our mission in the community can make a great impact for Jesus.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for Your goodness to our churches and for the many miraculous ways that You are making a difference in our lives and communities. In the midst of difficult times, guide us by Your Light and enable us to have complete confidence in Your words and ways. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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