Thursday, November 29, 2007

Alleviating AIDS

For the Church to be effectively involved in AIDS ministries in our communities, Christians have to begin the journey of healing by showing contrition for past and present condemnations of those in the margins of society.

Ephesians 2:4,5 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions-it is by grace you have been saved.

Tonight, I will be preaching at a special service to commemorate World AIDS Day in our town. People from different churches across the city will gather together to share their sympathy for those victims and families of this terrible disease. There will be no judgment or criticism of lifestyle choices; instead Christians will come together to show remorse for past intolerances and seek forgiveness of those we once castigated.

Families and friends of deceased AIDS sufferers will be in attendance. Some AIDS patients will also be there, possibly giving testimonies about what they have endured. It will be a sacred time to remember that we are all human and frail, in need of support and love, looking for God’s favor and compassion. In God’s eyes, we are all the same, and by His grace, we can all be saved.

I hope and pray that after the service hearts and minds will be changed, prejudices will be diminished and self-righteousness will be vanquished. A lot of the sorrow and pain that has been experienced by the AIDS sufferers’ community has been borne out of the criticism, indignation, and condemnation of the Christian Church. No one set out to get AIDS and the God that I serve didn’t punish people with it. If anything, it was an opportunity to show compassion and embrace those on the margins of society. We failed miserably as a faith, so we have a lot of contrition, repentance, and healing to experience before we will be trusted by the diverse sector of our community.

So let’s use this time to examine our own prejudices, inhumanity, and intolerances that we all have. Let’s place them before the Lord and ask His forgiveness. Only then can we begin the hard work of healing the world.

Prayer: O Lord, we have transgressed in Your sight and created divisions in the world. Instead of showing compassion to those on the margins, we showed contempt. Instead of asking what would You do to help, we condemned others to hell. Forgive us for failing to be Christian. Help us now to heal and be healed. In Your Holy Name, we humbly pray. Amen.


Hallmark said...

Rev. Stuart,
Thank you so much for sharing your message with the people that attended with World AIDS Day service. The words that you spoke are words that need to echo from the highest mountain top and reach the lowest valleys. Being an openly HIV positive person I know that if it were not for my FAITH I would not be here. Truely without FAITH a person has nothing. WIth out FAITH there is no hope, there is no compassion for others, bascially there is no reason to exsist. I would also like to add a comment on the way the Church reacted to AIDS in the 80's. There is no one to blame for the actions that were shown. I myself was scared to death about AIDS. I guess I probably was lacking knowledge about AIDS. Know that I am HIV positive it is my previldge to share with other people what HIV and how I am a human just like they are.
Thanks Again,
Mark Clayton Hall

Stushie said...

God bless you Mark. I appreciate your words of experience and encouragement.