Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Daily Devotional : Working in Us - letting go and letting God

Hebrews 13:21 (May God) equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. (NIV)

Our church has been growing steadily for the past four years. Through God’s blessings, we’ve managed to breathe new life into our congregation and we are beginning to outgrow ourselves. We’re at an awkward stage because of the current transitions that we are experiencing. Change is never easy, even when it comes as a reward from the Lord.

My struggle with this is how to be the leader of the pack and shepherd to the fold at the same time. Wolves and sheep don’t get on very well, so I’m constantly trying to keep ahead of the changes, whilst at the same time helping others to keep up with the transitions. Like the church, I feel as though my own ministry is changing, so I need to develop new skills of leadership, whilst making sure that I don’t neglect the pastoral gifts God has given to me.

Sometimes I lay awake at night worrying about how to complete and accomplish all of the programs and projects that need to be done. Then I come across a verse like today’s chosen text and realize that God is up ahead preparing the way, equipping the church and myself with all that we need, in order to work in us what is pleasing to Him. In other words, God is the leader of this pack and Christ is the true Shepherd of this fold.

Perhaps you’re involved in a ministry or a mission and you’re wondering how to keep it going. Maybe you’re part of a church team, Bible study, or a small group that is looking for direction. Like me, you might be trying too hard to steer the course and supply the remedies to the problems you’re encountering. My advice to you is this: let it go and let God equip you. As I’ve recently discovered, it’s far better to let God do the leading; that way we end up pleasing Him instead of satisfying ourselves.

Prayer: Lord God, thank You for calling us to be Your people and to be part of Your flock. You perfectly know the duties, responsibilities, and tasks that we need to complete this day. Bless us with Your guidance and equip us with all that we need for You to work in us. We want to please You, Lord. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

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