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Joshua 1:8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (NIV)
I don’t know where I would be without my Bible, or to be exact, Bibles. I’ve a whole collection of them in my study. Some I’ve had for years; others were given to me; and still others have been recently purchased. Without a Bible, I wouldn’t be me. Without God’s Word in my life, I wouldn’t be a Christian.
Now that’s not to say that I’m a sanctimonious, Bible thumping, self-righteous holy roller. I do have my moments, but the Bible is more of a spiritual guide book to me, rather than a sacred sword with which I smite my enemies. I believe in its contents. I believe it speaks more about truth than any other scripture in existence today. I know that it points out my character flaws, sinful ways, and bad decisions more than anything else in the world. It keeps my feet on solid ground, and not high up on some academic theological pedestal of my own making.
The Bible also comforts me, encourages me, and inspires me. There have been thousands of times in my life when a Bible verse, passage or story has deeply connected with my life. In times of sadness, the Bible has helped me weep. In moments of joy, the Bible has shown me how to rejoice.
When Joshua needed help to lead the Israelite people, God guided him to look to the Law of Moses. Times were changing and Joshua had to take over Moses’ leadership during a difficult period of transition. God counseled Joshua to look to the law. Why? Because in the midst of all the changes and commotion, Joshua and the people needed something that was timeless, changeless, and reassuring. The Law of Moses gave them a foundation of beliefs, ideas, and teachings to keep the people together. Without the Law, the people would have divided. Without the scriptures, the community would have diminished and scattered.
The Bible keeps me connected to God and His people through the best and worst of times. I write and send these daily devotions to build up the church and strengthen an internet faith community that exists across many states, a number of nations, and over several continents. Without the Bible, we could not do this. Without the scriptures, there would be nothing to keep us together.
Prayer: Lord God, in Your infinite wisdom, You bestowed upon us sacred writings that have become a solid base for our beliefs. Whilst we do not worship the Bible, we deeply respect its power to give us strength, encouragement, and counsel in times of need, crisis, and trouble. Let Your Holy Spirit enter into our minds today and touch our hearts with Your sacred words. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
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