Sunday, July 15, 2007

Celtic Crossing

Celtic Crossing
By: John Stuart
for a new
land over
the Irish
Sea, Columba and
some friends came
upon small Iona.
Establishing their community in
the center of pagan territory and
preaching Christianity faithfully,
Christ's Dove began advancing the
Celtic cause which combined his
holy faith with
land sea and life.
God created all.
Holy Call
the needs
of people
for a God
who loves
the earth.
And all the
Celtic wonder
of Nature, Life
and Faith becomes
a prayerful path to
follow Christ today, to
preach the word teach the
truth and heal the people
"Come back to us Columba"
This is a picture poem, dedicated to St Columba, who brought the Gospel to Scotland by crossing the Irish Sea. The colors represent the rocks and pebbles that can still be found on the shore line of the sacred island of Iona.


Gannet Girl said...

I came over to thank you for dropping this in my blog. I checked out the site -- very nice!

Gannet Girl said...

And PS: If you scroll through my Iona entries, the rocks and pebbles are pictured on August 6 of last year. The images enlarge reasonably well.