Isaiah 46: 10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say: My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.
In Britain, there was once a great comedian called Tony Hancock and in the early years of television, he had his own situation comedy show. As a boy, I used to watch him every Saturday and laughed until tears came down my face. He was always getting into silly situations and the comic stories that he told through drama still invoke happiness in my heart.
One show was entitled, “The Missing Page.” It was all about a library book that he was reading. This was a mystery novel and the crucial solutions were printed on the last page, except in Tony’s book, because the last page was missing.
The whole comic episode revolves around Hancock desperately trying to solve the whodunit or get a complete copy of the book. Just when he thinks he has solved the case, he discovers that the author died before he could complete the work. It’s an unfinished mystery novel. Tony’s bewildered look at the end of the show is absolutely hilarious!
For some people, life is a great uncertainty and they travel through their lives not knowing where they will end up. Their journey does not seem to have any proper conclusion or final destination. Faith is a mystery to them and God is a great unknown. They live for today and die tomorrow, not realizing that God has given us many clues through scripture about where we all are headed.
This is where the church and our faith have a message to bring to the world. We are not here haphazardly or accidentally. We don’t exist as a result of some chemical or physical reaction that occurred billions of years ago. The answer to the whodunit about life in the universe is God and the last page is not missing. It has already been written. All we have to do is read it through the life, message and teaching of Jesus Christ.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. In You, all life is created and through You all life can be reconciled to God. Be with us throughout our days and bring us to the glorious conclusion of all time. In Your Holy Name, we wait and pray. Amen.
Tony Hancock Video here
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