Friday, June 15, 2007

Blogachute #5

It’s Friiiiidaaaayyyyy! That can only mean one thing: blogachute time!

Let’s go, Geronimo…

8000feet: The Eagle and the Child – one of my favorite Presbyterian Bloggers.

Russell Smith is a pastor in Cincinnati, Ohio and writes some well researched articles about current issues in the church and across society. He also does some great Book and Movie reviews – check out his Pirates of the Caribbean faith perspective. Through his blog, Russell also introduced me to the website which raises loans to help people in the developing world create their own businesses.

Current topic: Blogger plagiarism – the morality of quoting our sources….

7000feet: The Evangelical Outpost – reflections on culture, politics, and religion from an evangelical world view.

This is a smorgasbord of information, comments, and youtube videos. I was overwhelmed by the amount of reviews, opinions, and articles. This is a site that is ideal for your RSS feeder (if only I could work that daggone system for my own blog!)

This site is well worth a visit and return, but it will take you long to get through it.

Current topics: a great youtube video on what children see, children do and a very well written commentary on Christian virtues in the marketplace.

6000feet: The Marshian Chronicles – written by Louie Marsh, a pastor in rural Arizona. Very easy to read, as he reflects upon what’s important to him. He also links to his sources of information. Today’s links include tributes to Ruth Graham, as well as breaking news on the ministries of Randy & Paula White.

Louie also has two well worth reading blogs about books and reading. Should books be more compact as our reading skills change? Are there too many illustrations and not enough substance, especially in popular Christian books today? Check out what Louie thinks on his blog.

5000feet: Every Thought Captive – a set of reflections on the contemporary church, culture, Christian philosophy and doctrine.

Phil Steiger is a pastor in Colorado Springs and he’s wrestling with contemporary issues just like the rest of us. This week, he’s dealing with stem cell research, frozen embryos, and what is termed “snowflake children.” I like his reflections and the questions Phil raises. It’s an issue that sadly we seem to have quietly set aside whilst we deal with ordination issues and denominational squabbles.

A good read and a great starting point for Sunday school topics or small group studies.

4000feet: The Little Fights – are the ones that make the difference. Nathan is a story teller, so he uses his blog to express his feelings about the world around him. He wears his heart on his sleeve, so you can get into his soul very quickly. His recent blog about the man with Alzheimer’s is very insightful and will tug at your heart, as well as challenge your mind. His style reminds me of Damon Runyon, without the Broadway street slang.

You can also link to a site of which he is a contributor – the Orthodork café via his profile. I might use that for a future blogachute.

3000feet Schlog – Shaun Groves is a songwriter, performer and artist who seriously likes to communicate the Gospel in many spheres. The blog is well organized and easy to follow. This guy is leading an interesting life!

His comments about the contemporary and emergent church are worthwhile noting, especially for those of us Boomers who don’t have a clue about what’s happening now. His last post was more of a confessional, in response to being tagged. A very enjoyable site that is worthwhile “digging.”

2000feet Ragamuffin Soul – man, I am way out of my depth here! I bet this looks good to other folks, but way too much information – overloaded with so much stuff that I didn’t know where to start. Music, photos, youtubes everywhere.

But then I settled down and took my time. The blog about Helping Folgers to help the homeless was a great challenge – why spend $35 per month at Starbucks, when a can of Folgers costs $3? Use the extra $32 to help the homeless!

1000feet Rich Kirkpatrick’s Weblog I saw this blog appear on several other sites. Rich is an X-gener musician who blogs about Christian life, ministry and culture. (I’m beginning to see a pattern here).

Rich’s site has a Celtic feel to it and is appealing to the eye. He writes about worship themes and links to various worship, music and lyric resources to help his readers develop their own worship ministries. He also has a lot of his own personal photographs and comment about the changes he is going through. I guess at the age of forty, he’s about to hit the mid-life crisis point – wait until you get to 50 Rich!

0000feet – I hit the ground running…wow!


Phil Steiger said...

Thanks for the link and the mention! I am looking forward to reading the rest of the posts.

Russell Smith said...

Stushie -- Thanks for the link -- looks like you've got some really good picks this week. Though I'm surprised that the Eagle and Child is first out of the plane -- I'm scared of heights.


Carlos said...

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Anonymous said...

Did the parachute stay opened? ;-)

Mid-life crisis or denial?? I'd rather live in denial!

Stushie said...

Thanks for the great ministries that you are all doing on the web. God bless all that you endeavor to do for Him and His people in Christ's Name!