Thursday, May 17, 2007

Going Global

Audio Version here

Isaiah 49:6 I will also make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the earth."
Ephesians 2:17 He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. (NIV)

I want to thank you for reading these devotions each day. It’s amazing how many people use these scriptures for their daily devotions and meditate on the message. Readers live all over the world and it humbles me to think that other lives are affected by these words. Over the past three years, I have received many kind replies and some thoughtful opinions about what I have written. It frequently amazes me how often a bible verse or a thought relates to your own experiences. That’s the living power of God’s word. That’s the Holy Spirit in action.

I also post these messages on a blogsite called “Heaven’s Highway.” It’s read by pastors and people from churches all over the place. It also contains some of my artwork, archived messages, as well as a novel way of using the internet called “blogachuting.” You can find out what that means by visiting the website at

Last night, I added something special to the blog – it’s an instantaneous translator which translates these messages into French, Spanish, German, Dutch, Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese and Korean. It’s an amazing web tool and it means that even more folk can read these daily devotions in different languages. I am astounded by this device, although it does have some glitches – for instance, whenever I write the word “spirit” in English, it translates the word into ‘alcohol’ in some languages. I guess the foreign reader will understand what I originally mean due to the context of the message!

I’ve also added a subscriber to the devotional, which automatically sends the message and artwork to people around the world by email. In recent months, my AOL email has developed some glitches, so this new web tool effectively eradicates that problem.

I guess what I’m trying to express here is that we live in amazing times and the word of God is being spread around the world, to people near and far, in wonderful ways. In the past couple of days, readers from across the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, New Zealand and Singapore have been reading these messages. In the past, computer users from China, Brazil, Nigeria, Pakistan, Bahrain, and even Saudi Arabia have read these devotionals. One day, by the grace of God, I hope to get to meet them in glory.

So thank you for your support and for sending these messages to other people. What began three years ago as a devotional for elders is now touching lives all over the globe. Isn’t God amazing?

Prayer: Heavenly Lord, we live in amazing times when people from all over the world can be connected to each other almost instantaneously. Help us to use this powerful technology to spread Your word of peace and gospel. Enable us to share Your holy words and sacred Son. In Jesus’ name, we enthusiastically pray. Amen.

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