Friday, April 27, 2007

Holy Name

Audio version here

Acts 3: 10 they recognized him as the same man who used to sit begging at the temple gate called Beautiful, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him. (NIV)

I was watching the news this morning and a saw a video of Stephen Hawking, the great physics professor from England, floating through the air inside a diving airplane. Hawking is an amazing person. He’s been a paraplegic all of his life and can only converse with other people via an electronic device. He has fought against all sorts of hurdles to become a prominent scientist. He is esteemed throughout the civilized world as a remarkably talented genius. He now wants to go up in a rocket and become the first wheel chaired person to go into space. I hope that he fulfills his dream.

There is, however, a side of Hawking that remains paralyzed within him. He has no belief in God and can be quite vitriolic against those who have faith. Stephen doesn’t think that the universe was created, but that it just happened by accident. I guess he feels that the same fate, which saw him born with no speech or mobility, caused the Cosmos to spontaneously appear. Perhaps if I was in his shoes, I would feel the same.

I wish that he could find God, for I believe it would have an immense impact in the world. I hope that if he gets up into space, he will undergo a spiritual awakening and discover that beautiful gate which will lead him to our Creator. It would be a wonderful event and could begin a renaissance of faith throughout our society. I think I’ll pray that it happens, and that Jesus of Nazareth will enable Stephen Hawking to walk in His Light.

Christ has the power to release us from all that paralyses our hearts and minds. Throughout the Book of Acts in the Bible, people are liberated from sickness and despair, madness and corruption, prejudice and pain. The first apostles understood how powerful Jesus was, and that by merely speaking His Name, people were healed. Perhaps it’s time that the Church reclaimed this power.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, Your Name is holy and sacred, precious and wonderful. We have forgotten that the gift of Your Name has the power to forgive our sins, restore our lives, and heal our sicknesses. Grant us the courage to reclaim the strength of Your Name. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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