Tuesday, April 03, 2007


2 Corinthians 8:10 And here is my advice about what is best for you in this matter: Last year you were the first not only to give but also to have the desire to do so.

I don’t like to talk about money from the pulpit. Ask our Stewardship committee. They’ll tell you that I have a hard time asking for general contributions. I don’t know if it’s a Scottish thing or a John Stuart thing. Either way, I have to be totally convinced when it comes to asking.

It’s not that I don’t appreciate stewardship. I really do like the positive attitude that some people have when it comes to sharing and giving of their time, talents, and money for God. I think it’s because I grew up in a deprived household with a poor family. My Dad was too proud to ask for help, even when he was unemployed for almost a year. During that tough time, I can remember going to school with holes in my shoes, trousers, and shirt. I couldn’t accept invitations to go to friends’ birthday parties because we had no money to buy gifts. It was an awful year.

Anyway, I think that’s why I find it difficult to ask for money from the congregation. Paul, however, didn’t have any qualms about this. He felt that giving was the best expression of faithfulness that any church could display. That’s why he writes directly to the Corinthians about their contributions to the church in Jerusalem. The previous year, they had been amongst the first to give and were bursting with enthusiasm about how they supported the whole church. A year later, they seem to be dragging their feet about fulfilling their pledges and promises which, in turn, concerns Paul. If they are not giving as they should, then they are backsliding in their faith. As an old pastor once said to me, “You can’t be devoted to God and steal from Him at the same time.”

So, I guess this devotional is about stewardship after all. Paul’s advice about giving is something we all need to revisit. And during this special time, this Holy Week, shouldn’t we all review what we give to the church because it was established by the One Who Gave Everything for us?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You call us to be disciples of faith and stewards of Your Kingdom. You know what we give and our motives behind our giving. Challenge us about stewardship and change us if we allow pride to get in the way of our giving. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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