Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Fifty Three Percent

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Psalm 96:8 Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; bring an offering and come into his courts. (NIV)

I was reading a report the other day that startled me. It stated that in the last month, 53% of church attending Christians gave nothing to their church. Zilch. Nada. Absolute zero. I was shocked. How could people call themselves Christians and not set aside something for God at least every month?

The reason that was given for this surprising news was not surprising at all. Americans have over-stretched their borrowing ability and are paying back high interest mortgages, car payments, and credit cards. Giving to God is being given a low priority, for even some Christians – at least 53%? – are having difficulty with debt.

Thankfully, there are some good budgeting programs to help Christians get out of the debt spiral, and if folks are willing to go through them, they discover that there is light at the end of the tunnel. However, those financial programs emphasize giving to church as a number one priority. Why? Because all of our resources, blessings, and wealth come from God. When we give up giving to God we are dishonoring Him. When we withhold from giving to the church, we are disrespecting Christ.

So, maybe next month we should set aside what we give to God first, and then deal with our debts second. It may cause us to spend less and budget more, but after all that’s what good stewards do for the kingdom we are in, and the King whom we serve.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, You know us completely and You are aware of all the financial burdens that we have. You also know about the resources we possess and the gifts we bring to You. Help us to give cheerfully and faithfully, constantly and frequently to Your Church, for in so doing we honor and glorify Your mission on earth and Your ministry to the world. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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