Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Isaiah 63:4 For the day of vengeance was in my heart, and the year of my redemption has come. (NIV)

My car was in the shop today – practically all day, but I used the time to read a book about ministry written by H.B. London, one of my favorite pastor authors. I met him seven years ago in California at a conference. I was really impressed with his gentle and compassionate manner. He’s a real pastors’ pastor and has a lifetime of congregational wisdom and church experiences that connect with other ministers.

Anyway, I was sitting in the shop reading this book, looking at a chapter on reaching out to other people. Sitting beside me was a young man, who noticed that my book bag had “History Book Club” imprinted on it. He turned out to be a history graduate from UT called Eric McFarlane, whose grandparents had emigrated from Jamaica. His area of specialization was in World War II and when I asked him why he chose that era, he told me that his uncle had been a Tuskegee airman in North Africa and Italy.

We talked for about two hours, sharing our life stories, cultural backgrounds, and historical interests. It was one of the best conversations that I have ever had. We both felt completely at ease.

And then a news story on the television interrupted our conversation. It was all about Don Imus, the radio host, and the appalling insult that he made about the Rutgers’ basketball team. Students, administrators, and teachers at Rutgers were staging a protest, calling for Imus to be fired from his TV/radio station. Some commentators were talking about vengeance and vanity. Others were mentioning forgiveness and fair play.

Eric and I looked at each other.

“So long as we keep talking together, we can overcome these issues,” I said.
“So long as we have dialogue, we’ll always respect each other,” he replied.

It was a great conversation and a day filled with hope, not hatred.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for the people we meet, the sharing of stories, and the mixing of cultures. Thank You for the varieties of experiences that we all have, which enrich our lives and enhance unity, purpose, and faith. Bless all whom we encounter this week and may we discover new ideas, new lessons, and new lives that will touch our hearts, strengthen our souls, and broaden our minds. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.

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