Friday, March 02, 2007


Psalm 112: 7 He will have no fear of bad news; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD. (NIV)

Yesterday’s tornado tragedy across the South causes us all to ask the question: where was God when all of this was happening? It’s a natural response to such a disaster because we expect God to control the weather and to keep our people protected. The families of the eight students who lost their lives at Enterprise High School will be shocked and angry, grief-stricken and over-wrought. Their hearts will be broken and their faith will be shattered: how could a loving God allow such a terrible thing to occur?

Faith is severely tested during these times that try our souls. A lot of what we feel can never be satisfied with glib words and sanctimonious verses. If the person who wrote Psalm 112 had been living in Enterprise yesterday, would those words “he will have no fear of bad news” have been uttered?

It’s easy for us on the outside to have faith when someone else is going through a sudden loss or unexpected tragedy. But when death strikes at our doorstep, will we have deposited enough faith in God to help us get through the worst of times?

Today, we feel for the families across the South who have lost their children; but tomorrow we’ll probably be focused on the vulgarity and vanity of a funeral for a former porn queen. Our feckless ways are what makes us faithless. Our need for schmuck is what dirties our souls. The only way our hearts can remain steadfast is to focus on the real tragedies of this day, and reject the self-centered circus that’s happening in the Bahamas.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we want to trust You because we need You in our lives. We are weak and human, fragile and frail. When disaster hits us, we cry out for help. When tragedy overwhelms us, we keep asking “Why?” In the midst of all of this pain and loss, we pray that You will surround the families affected with a strong, loving, and supportive community. In Your Holy Name, we trust and pray. Amen.

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